Currently, immigrants wanting to become citizens will take 16 to almost 22 months to become a legal official citizen. But for people running from war and dangerous situations, they simply do not have the time to pause their lives for 22 months. Instead, we allow immigrants to come across the border and into a state, then they are not tracked but taken to a state by border officials, and are set up with home and food and are then allowed to work to become a citizen within that state. The requirements are the same for each state, but if the process is overlooked by the state and only finalized by the government, then the process will be shorter and will allow for a drop in illegal immigrants.
We support the use of marijuana as it contains THC, which stimulates the part of the brain that responds to pleasure, and triggers the release of dopamine, giving a euphoric or relaxed feeling. This feeling can last anywhere between 2 to 10 hours. Supporting a happier American public.
Gun Control
The United Kingdom is one of our grestest allies, and we believe that it's time we take a page from their book when it comes to gun control. The United Kingdom's firearm-related death rate per 100,000 people per year is only 0.2%, with 0.02% being homicides. Compared to the United States' firearms-related death rate of 12.21%, it's simple to see that the UK is doing something right, and we should follow their example. In fact, in the entire history of Great Britain, there have only been four mass shooting carried out by a civilian. This all supports the postion of following firearm regulations more similar to that of the United Kingdom, including individual permits for each weapon and no concealed carry, to best protect the lives of Americans.
Healthcare and Abortion
Healthcare prices are out of control in this country. We promote a restructuring of it system itself to balance the costs of healthcare, and we strive to provide a baseline coverage for all citizens, no matter the income level
As for abortion, we believe that we need to promote birth control in order to avoid the issue of abotion entirely. We plan to work at both state and federal lever to ensure women can get the birth control coverage they need at an affordable price.
The Economy/further decentralisation
Total corporate tax rates are 21 percent we can't raise it to much buts a possibility to get 80 billion more dollars by raising it to 25. raising it slightly brings it in line with the rest of the taxes whilst freeing 0 billion dollars to help better balance the budget deficit we currently have.
We will also move federal projects into the hands of states and only interfere if there's a trans state issue. Hopefully this will lessen the costs of these projects whilst still keeping a healthy infrastructure plan freeing money for investment into states and balancing the budget further.
We will also get on board with pulling out of the middle east with cooperation and stringent diplomacy. We will strengthen the goverments there to help build a democratic tradition in these countries and prop up some of their economies and end the anarchy that is present there allowing for us to cutback on military spending of which will be about 25 to 30 (30 is stretch goal but will likely have to settle for 25 for negotiating) percent with this we can balance the budget better and will also have more room to spend on infrastructure other such projects government spending and put some towards strengthening the countries that have been left ravished in the middle east. Hopefully all of this will give 5 percent towards helping the middle east allowing for prosperity to be built there and having the need for troops to be there be unnecessary as well as build good relations with the countries there. 10 percent towards state projects and infrastructure. Another 5 percent towards balancing income from lessening taxes equal to that amount we gain from the 5 percent. This will still have our military budget be higher than the majority of countries in the world if not the still remain the highest. The remaining 5 to 10 percent will go towards balancing the budget.
Promise to while in office to push for amendment/law for more senators per state from 2 to 3. This allows for less downtown per election of senator allowing for a more active democracy and since they are representatives of the state more with time representation of states.
introduce new states: from existing territories dc puerto rico as well as other pacific and caribbean territories that the residents of those areas can get proper representation a fundamental american value
balkanize larger states: as it stands there are many areas of large states that are neglected and dont feel they are properly represented because the rest of the state they are a part of is more populous. Balkanizing larger states also will allow for the issue of overrepresentation from senators in the electoral college to diminish and counteract the increase of senators. This will make the electoral college more fair for people and diminish the negative effects of the winner-take-all system.
It's time to listen to America's children. For years, they have been raising the alarm for high levels of mental illness in students, including anxiety and depression, and America's leaders have been ignoring them in favor of lining their pockets from education-focused corporations. The College Board, an infamous company known for administrating the SAT and AP tests, advertises itself as a nonprofit; however, their current President, David Coleman, earns a base salary of $550,000 every year. These companies are capitalizing off our student's backs, and America will become all the worse for it when these students graduate and place themselves into the "adult world". We plan to launch a formal investigation on the College Board, and hope to strike down the education "nonprofits" that run the country's schools from their purses.
Affirmative Action
Many states prefer the use of racial of ethnic preferences in employment / college admissions ever since the aftermath of the California Right Initiative vote. This allows for admin to look at their SAT scores or resumes and also take into account their race / ethnic background and make sure the environment remains diverse. It is also important for certain jobs to look into ethnic backgrounds because sometimes they need someone that can speak multiple languages such as english and spanish. A lot of places pay higher for people that can speak fluently in other languages. So we will not solely make our decisions based on race and ethnicity but it will be taken into account. Diversity and equality is always something we will strive for.
Death Penalty
Our plan for the death penalty is to leave it "as is" and continue to allow the states to decide what is best for them